The Law firm based in Bangalore , and Mysore Karnataka State , India deals with the following matters related to civil law.
Suit for Recovery , sale of Goods, Suit relating to breach and Non Performance of Contracts , dispute relating to Societies , and Co operative society,Wills , Gift deed and sucession certificate , Trust , partnership. Easement right , Injunction , Declaration . Partition, Eviction Suits ,Sale and purchase agreement relating to property , Landlord tenant disputes , Start Ups, Education Matters,. Suit pertaining to change of name and death certificate ,suits pertaining to sanction and violation of building plan , deviation & Demolition of unauthorized Constructions , Consumer disputes , Medical Negligence , Motor vehicles claim , petition before National company law Tribunal for CIRP Process, legal Opinion , verification of property title and registration of Documents, Agreements , General Power of Attorney, Special Power of Attorney